Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Just a couple of pictures

Here's one of my finished crossstich pictures for my daughter.

And here's BooBoo my daughters cute Basset Hound!

It's About Time

I have been so bad about coming hear to post. Recently I started reading to and following others blogs so that got me going again.

The last day of August such a relief. Everything in our beautiful yard just up and died from the bitter sun beating down.  I spent the early morning hours making a master list of all things to do in the fall. I'm re-enrgized with just the thought.

Ladies Bible class is about to begin again and with that good studies, fellowship and good works. It is at that time we go in pairs to do our visiting.  I think our first section is on Barnabus but unsure. There is a blog I subscribe to that is reading Resolution for Women by Priscilla Shirer. I am thinking of joining in even though I am no longer married and a part of it of course includes that. Have done a study of hers that was excellent.

Time to start reading too. And preparing to crochet (sure can't do that in the heat).  I recently bought an embossing machine for making cards to send out. I really like the thought of a homemade card. I make them while I watch my Texas Rangers.

I am working on the verse Apply your heart to discipline and your ears to words of wisdom. Prov 23:12.  Discipline is something I could use a lot of. A bit of humor wouldn't hurt either such a serious outlook I have. At my age (55) the good doctor said it is well past time to lighten up! We'll see if my blog shows that I have done that in the coming months.

Off for a relaxing day of tea and reading. I am well into Silent in the Sanctuary and Sports Illustrated!