Monday, December 20, 2010

The Christmas Season

I have to admit this year does not seem like Christmas.  The tree is trimmed and the house is decorated beautifully and presents are bought, wrapped and under the tree. What is missing?  Jesus. In the busyness of each day I have not given time to the Lord.  This has been on my mind of late though and this very morning he woke me up with a reminder that I said I would do this very thing. At 2 am I was bright eyed and had the most wonderful prayer and study time.  I commit to giving the rest of this week to Him in thought and deed and continue to do so in the coming year.  It is not a resolution it is a going back before the hubbub of the material side of Christmas.

I will enjoy the family time and look forward to this weekend with them but those precious early morning moments will be the best of times.

To the more mundane of today it is going to be a high of 70 today!  The leaves on our bradford pears have not even all droppped yet. Soon I will be mowing them instead of raking if they don't get a move on. Mother Nature is sure acting strange this year.

Soon it will be a new year. Now here is my resolution time. I am going to try and keep up with all you bloggers out there for there is much to smile about, to think about in your writing. I would love to have the talent so many of you have.

Keep writing

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook

For today

Outside my window the skies are clear. I saw a robin today.

I am thinking about a book I am reading about grace.

I am thankful for a relaxing day ahead of me.

From the kitchen - I am really thinking it is time to buy organic from now on. I see so much on the news.

I am wearing my jammies still

I am creating - a new me

I am going to the craft store today to look for something crafty to create

I am reading The Love Season by Hilderbrand

I am hoping that I can catch up with my internet friends today have not chatted lately

I am hearing complete silence no one is awake yet

Around the house - I have completed the work yesterday so not much to do today!

One of my favorite things is sitting outside early or late when it is cool. Especially at night when the stars are brightest.

My plans for the rest of the week are take the Toyota in for that recall (boring but necessary), get some sun, do some shopping, work in the yard. Talk to my children who are grown so I don't see them often.
Above is a picture of my granddog BooBoo the Basset Hound. I love her!
Please visit the Simple Woman's Daybook at

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook Post


Outside my window...Is the circular garden shaded by a Bradford Pair tree

I am thinking...Of our beloved church secretary who is terminally ill

I am thankful for...My daughter who brings me such delight

From the kitchen...I tried a new recipe for Feta/Vegetable salad very good

I am wearing...Casual attire today I need to change

I am creating...A counted crosstitch picture for my daughter for Christmas

I am going...To order the Better Homes and Gardens Christmas Idea Book (I did not get out this very hot day)

I am reading...Walking in God's Grace

I am hoping...For a resolution for my daughter who just went through a flood in Oklahoma leaving her in a bad financial situation

I am hearing...Quiet all around the house right now

Around the house...We are just getting ready to start dinner and settle in for the evening.

One of my favorite things...Sitting curled up in my comfy chair reading

A few plans for the rest of the week: Gardening and yardwork tomorrow, some reading and crafts on Saturday and church on Sunday

The picture of tulips is my favorite flower and brings inspiration and thanksgiving for Gods' blessings.
Here is a blog I recommend and the link to it:

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I have much work to do on this new blog with no clue as to how to accomplish that. Ah well another new thing to learn!

I am an early riser and sitting out on the back patio in the morning sure starts a day off right. I'll get it while I can before that Texas summer heat overwhelms us all. I have found though this year that if I spend the morning and evening out there it sure makes me remember all that I am thankful for. In this season of life (my almost mid fifties) it feels as if I am a real turning point. I finally stopped coloring my hair and you know it doesn't look so bad after all. I am leaning towards a more natural way of living these days. A calmer, slower approach since my children are grown and gone.

God closed a door for me in that I am no longer working outside the home but I am now able to help my parents and it is such a blessing to be able to spend this time with them. Looking back I see how it all fits in with God's plan for us all.

I also now get to spend time with my daughter. I am very much looking forward to visiting her next month. I ride the train when I go there and what a soothing thing that is! And I get to visit my two granddogs as well - Yogi the Beagle and BooBoo the Basset Hound. They are a joy and really you know bring such comfort just for their devotion.

So today is going to be a nice easy day. Will take mom on her errands and then I will have the afternoon to while away some time reading. I love to get lost in a good book. I will have to take some time to figure out this designing your blog thing though!

A scripture to take away - Psalm 37:5 - Commit they way unto the Lord, Trust also in Him and He will bring it to pass....