Thursday, July 15, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook Post


Outside my window...Is the circular garden shaded by a Bradford Pair tree

I am thinking...Of our beloved church secretary who is terminally ill

I am thankful for...My daughter who brings me such delight

From the kitchen...I tried a new recipe for Feta/Vegetable salad very good

I am wearing...Casual attire today I need to change

I am creating...A counted crosstitch picture for my daughter for Christmas

I am going...To order the Better Homes and Gardens Christmas Idea Book (I did not get out this very hot day)

I am reading...Walking in God's Grace

I am hoping...For a resolution for my daughter who just went through a flood in Oklahoma leaving her in a bad financial situation

I am hearing...Quiet all around the house right now

Around the house...We are just getting ready to start dinner and settle in for the evening.

One of my favorite things...Sitting curled up in my comfy chair reading

A few plans for the rest of the week: Gardening and yardwork tomorrow, some reading and crafts on Saturday and church on Sunday

The picture of tulips is my favorite flower and brings inspiration and thanksgiving for Gods' blessings.
Here is a blog I recommend and the link to it:

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