Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook

For today

Outside my window the skies are clear. I saw a robin today.

I am thinking about a book I am reading about grace.

I am thankful for a relaxing day ahead of me.

From the kitchen - I am really thinking it is time to buy organic from now on. I see so much on the news.

I am wearing my jammies still

I am creating - a new me

I am going to the craft store today to look for something crafty to create

I am reading The Love Season by Hilderbrand

I am hoping that I can catch up with my internet friends today have not chatted lately

I am hearing complete silence no one is awake yet

Around the house - I have completed the work yesterday so not much to do today!

One of my favorite things is sitting outside early or late when it is cool. Especially at night when the stars are brightest.

My plans for the rest of the week are take the Toyota in for that recall (boring but necessary), get some sun, do some shopping, work in the yard. Talk to my children who are grown so I don't see them often.
Above is a picture of my granddog BooBoo the Basset Hound. I love her!
Please visit the Simple Woman's Daybook at http://thesimplewomansdaybook.blogspot.com

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